Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sarah Lucas in four studies

After Concrete Boots by Sarah Lucas

School master's art homework after
Idealized smoker's chest no.2

After Two Fried Eggs and a Kebab

Lucas reclining Au Naturel by feinin

Sarah Lucas is funny, her work are puns on penis envy, I rather live with the possibilities of working in a field so obscure in the minds that resist this glamorous tableau of recycled concepts.

1. large expansive scale work
2. Any reflective surface
3. A scull portrait is necessary, without it you are doomed
4. Animals dissected (taxidermy) Thank you Mr. Hirst
5. Lights or neon signage in a controlled manner
6. Nudity
7. The phallus and vagina
8. The breast to ass, the mouth to tongue
9. Flagellation or slash paintings
10. A car used as a sculpture
11. A large mystical puppet
12. A tree trunk with roots
13. Readymades, yes thank you, with out them, I would have never done most of these parodies. I spent not a dime, isn't that art ?
14. Objects made from precious materials
15. The Christ figure in all forms (Crucifixion, Madonna, Annunciation)
16. Any performance art that entails entrails or risk
17. A shoe
18. A table and chair
19, Books or leaves of books
20. A bicycle
21. Death

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does seem as though the artists have a check list. I think what needs to be asked is, does this work actually benefit the space or place it is installed in. Do they ask that?
Your observation and creation of these works is quite admirable, particularly Sarah Lucas's pieces. Somehow the resonant charge that she was trying to achieve now comes into question. I suppose some work has a shelf life both literally and figuratively.


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