Friday, August 22, 2008

Alice Yard kicks starts with a group of young artists

Sonja Dumas at Alice Yard in support of the video work by Michelle Isava where both artists seek the prospects of having a collaborate project together in the future.

An exhibition of young artists opens at Alice Yard in Port of Spain and includes the works by Michelle Isava. She is interviewed on what it takes to be an artist in Trinidad and Tobago and confides that upcoming young artists, the babies as she puts it are consistently bitter because they expect results without applying the necessary will to do something about it.

During the interview, Isava carefully constructs the language of art speak and this in itself shows her determination to move forward into the uncharted waters of art practice and theoretical thinking.

1 comment:

Wendell Mc Shine said...

very informative...but one question.
why are u wearing a hoody in Trinidad when lats i check its very hot in trini.


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