Saturday, February 25, 2006

At the Amphitheatrum Flavium in Rome

Nero in a toga and in a costume too horrific for the lions to maw, carnival Kings and Queens, 2006

At the Amphitheatrum Flavium, the Emperor Vespasiano ordered the wooden gates opened in retribution to the quality of Kings and Queens represent for Trinidad carnival, 2006. A pride of lions bolted into the Coliseum to suppress and do justice in the name of Rome herself. At the centre, mas designers and masqueraders portraying the Empire of Rome were going to experience the full force of the Emperor. Even Peter Minshall parodied himself with a warmish King, and oversize head puppet for his Queen.
It should be noted the many idea on Rome came out in 2006. This was influenced by HBO's television series on the subject.

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